Melting Part started with a basement jam in Taipei, where dancers and musicians came together to play. Since 2022, we’ve believed in the synergy between artists and audiences, and their collective potential to inspire change.
We create moments that move, from Taiwan to the world and back. 100% live–every time.
Melting Part 是在台灣推動街頭藝術與當代潮流文化跨域融合的先鋒品牌。以現場音樂表演為出發點、融入多元藝術創作,並用策展設計方式為參與者創造場場難忘的體驗。
透過各式展演活動,Melting Part 將街頭文化與當代藝術、潮流時尚接軌、推廣至大眾目光,創造兼具文化與市場價值的無限可能性。